You know what I would really hate as a general building contractor? You negotiate an easy project to build with a...
Submit Better Bids & Get More Work!
"It's impossible to compete in this tight construction market." "There's always too much competition." "I can't find...
Low Bid Is Not Enough!
Ever been low bid and didn't get the job? Follow these ten tips to win more profitable work. Bidding lots of jobs is...
Win Big at the Project Interview
To increase your odds of getting a signed contract, score big at the project interview! But keep in mind you won't...
Always Make A Profit!
Answer this question: 'How much profit should we make?' I'll bet your answer was one of the following: - "5%, 10%, or...
Blueprint For Business Success!
Have you ever said to yourself: - I am tired of "doing" all the important work myself. - I can't find any good help. -...
Winning Bonus & Incentive Programs!
Every year, business owners face the decision of what to do about year-end bonuses. Some have an incentive...
Win More Contracts At Your Price!
Every construction company business owner wants to charge a higher price for their services and products. And...