I have a loyal customer we build several commercial and industrial projects for every year. We have project meetings...
Are Customers Your #1 Priority? – 7 Steps To Make
There are lots of ways to make a profit? They include cutting costs, reducing overhead, improving field productivity,...
Can You Sell More Than Price?
Every landscape contractor, lawn care operator or gardener I've ever met boasts how their quality and service is...
What Slow Down?
By George Hedley Who said the economy is slowing down? My speaking business is booming. Our construction company...
Thanks But No Thanks
I started my commercial construction company in 1977. Over the last twenty four plus years, we have built over 500...
Sell More Than Price
Ever been low bid and didn't get the job? Follow these proven suggestions to win more profitable work. Bidding lots...
Quality Doesn’t Matter!
Is quality really an issue when you shop for a new laptop computer, select an insurance company, or buy a home? Do...
Bug ‘EM Til They Buy or Die (long version)
I hate cold calls. But I love it when Future Customers call me. So I developed a marketing plan that doesn’t require...