The successful business today must work! Work well, work fast, work lean and produce results. Leading companies today...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 11: Grow Equity & Build Wealth!
Ask fifty construction company owners what a perfect business would be like for them. You'll likely get forty-nine...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 12: Enjoy The Benefits Of Business Ownership! by George Hedley
Select which reason you think most construction company owners go into business: ___ They like to work 80 hours per...
Entrepreneurial Excellence – Step 9: People Success & Training System!
How many times have you said to yourself: "It seems like workers don't care." "Can't anyone take some initiative?" "No...
Entrepreneurial Excellence Step 10: Leadership Systems!
By now you are well on your way to implementing the first nine steps of this entrepreneurial excellence series. You...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 8: Marketing & Sales Systems!
I'm playing golf and my cell phone rings. It's one of my best customers who tells me he just signed a lease with a...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 7 – Pro Active Project Management Systems by George Hedley
All of your construction projects must be running smoothly. As you walk from office to office asking your project...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 6 – Field Operational Systems
When is the last time you had a job go according to your plan? Do your field crews perform their work exactly the way...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 5 – Accurate Estimating Systems Are Accurate!
Has this ever happened to you? You negotiate an easy project to build with a great customer who trusts you, doesn't...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 4 – Install Financial Systems &
As your construction business grows, you get to the point you can't do it all yourself. You really don't like...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 3 – Replace Yourself With
Have you noticed the construction business is a lot like the circus? You spend your days juggling, taming lions, fire...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 2 – Build A Profitable Business!
If I followed you around for a day, what would I see? What would be your focus? Would you be spending your time on...
Entrepreneurial Excellence 1 – Build An ‘On-Purpose.On-
Imagine you owned or managed the perfect construction business. What would it be like? In my perfect business, I would...
Blueprint For Business Success!
Have you ever said to yourself: - I am tired of "doing" all the important work myself. - I can't find any good help. -...
Win Beyond 2010!
A winning business must work regardless of the economy or market. It must work well, super fast, extremely efficient,...
Winning Bonus & Incentive Programs!
Every year, business owners face the decision of what to do about year-end bonuses. Some have an incentive...
Sell To Win!
Most businesses have fixed indirect overhead expenses that don’t vary much as their sales go up or down. With a...
Don’t Win The Game & Lose Your Business!
Have you ever played on a sports team with a losing record? As the season comes closer to the end, a losing coach must...
Win With Open-Book Management!
Your company is in business to make money. Open-book management is a system that teaches managers and employees how to...
Motivate Players To Perform!
I used to get tired of trying to get my people to do what I wanted them to do. They always had what appeared to be...